At times, there might be an appointee in one department who could more effectively meet the immediate needs of another department within the agency. Moving this employee between offices is called “detailing,” which can occur if you are moving the appointee from a department to a new department with the same funding source, beginning at the start of the next pay period.
If the appointee works in a department with a different funding source, proper paperwork must be completed by each department’s Administrative Official in order to complete the employee detail. At this point, it will also be decided which department is paying the appointee while they are on detail. Once the paperwork is complete, the funding is established, and the paperwork is signed off by each department head, the appointee can be detailed at the start of the next pay period.
It is important to remember that appointees remain in their original department while detailed and must return to that department when the detail period is over. The detail can last up to one year, but must be renewed every 3 months.